  • mark
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
Finkelstein also suggested Fedor was unlikely to fight in Japan on New Year’s Eve because “the Japanese” (presumably FEG/DREAM) “had some difficulty coming up with an interesting opponent for Fedor… As a result, the negotiations did not even happened because there was no concrete proposal.

“Therefore, in the very near future have to wait for the completion of negotiations with Showtime, and even then it will become clear when and with whom Fedor will fight next.”

..hoće li Fedor konačno shvatit da ga ovaj židov mulja. mogao je uzet pojas UFC-a i zauvijek biti upisan kao najveći u povijesti.
mark wrote:

Finkelstein also suggested Fedor was unlikely to fight in Japan on New Year’s Eve because “the Japanese” (presumably FEG/DREAM) “had some difficulty coming up with an interesting opponent for Fedor… As a result, the negotiations did not even happened because there was no concrete proposal.

Vidim veliki "fucking" smajli na Daninom licu. :)20
The Miner
poceo sam "dizati ruke" od fedora...:)21
mark wrote:

Finkelstein also suggested Fedor was unlikely to fight in Japan on New Year’s Eve because “the Japanese” (presumably FEG/DREAM) “had some difficulty coming up with an interesting opponent for Fedor… As a result, the negotiations did not even happened because there was no concrete proposal.

“Therefore, in the very near future have to wait for the completion of negotiations with Showtime, and even then it will become clear when and with whom Fedor will fight next.”

..hoće li Fedor konačno shvatit da ga ovaj židov mulja. mogao je uzet pojas UFC-a i zauvijek biti upisan kao najveći u povijesti.

Milim da je i ovako naj svih vremena, to nije upitno. Meni je zao sto nije u ufc-u ali je bio u prideu a to je bio fight!
Borisstandup wrote:

Milim da je i ovako naj svih vremena, to nije upitno. Meni je zao sto nije u ufc-u ali je bio u prideu a to je bio fight!
